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Coronavirus - COVID-19

The clinic team would like to update you regarding the measures we have put in place over and above those we normally provide to protect against Covid-19 infection whilst you are with us.

We will continue to adhere to (our normal) strict and stringent attention to infection control and hygiene policies and during this period of heightened awareness, we would like to assure you of how careful we are being in our infection prevention measures. There will be hand gel, wipes, and masks at your disposal at all times.


Stick Mobility

Want to activate muscles regardles of age or fitness levels? Simple and effective method of muscle movement and a progressive approach to joint control. Stick mobility will unlock the inhibited movements that prevent optimal performance. ANGUS WOOD is our qualified instructor so feel free to call the clinic and understand more about it.



  • Dizzy woman resting against wall

Do you suffer from dizziness?

It is not always a sinister sign.

Does the room spin when looking up at cupboards or down towards your feet?

Do you feel like you are on a roller-coaster when you roll onto your side in bed?

Do you feel generally unsteady on your feet as well.


Collecting data for statistical analysis

  • Data collection and analysis

Summary: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris non laoreet dui. Morbi lacus massa, euismod ut turpis molestie, tristique sodales est. Integer sit amet mi id sapien tempor molestie in nec massa.

Fusce non ante sed lorem rutrum feugiat. Vestibulum pellentesque, purus ut dignissim consectetur, nulla erat ultrices purus, ut consequat sem elit non sem. Morbi lacus massa, euismod ut turpis molestie, tristique sodales est. Integer sit amet mi id sapien tempor molestie in nec massa. Fusce non ante sed lorem rutrum feugiat.


Inspire a Generation

  • olympic games art

The Olympics have come and gone and I cannot imagine that there isn't anyone who  has not been inspired to have either got onto a bike, run 100 metres, a marathon, swum in a relay......the list goes on.

Most of us have the enthusiasm but what the saying? The spirit's willing but the flesh is weak! Not literally but I am sure you realise where I am going with this.


"RICE" is now "POLICE"

RICE standing for Rest, Ice ,Compression and Elevation, has now been superceded by" POLICE"  Pressure, Off Load, Ice , Compression and Elevation. The "offload" aspect refers to take the pressure off the affected area but still permit "normalsied movement". This is in an attempt to avoid gross changes to the stability of the joint which can occur with pain.